Ввод одинарный круглого сечения диаметром 220 мм.
Угол отводящего патрубка 450.
Высота 450 мм.
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Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Сопутствующие товары
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование
23300 ₸
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование
8500 ₸
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование
5500 ₸
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование
19800 ₸
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование
2780 ₸
Product added!
Browse Wishlist
The product is already in the wishlist!
Browse Wishlist
Самотечное оборудование